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Distance Healing Explained by DR. SEBI KWANELE

A Natural Way to Heal

Some people who contact Dr Sebi Kwanele for long distance or distant healing have not had previous experience with a distant healer, and wonder how can that work? Everyone, and everything, is connected. Quantum physics and more recently String Theory in physics brings science and spirituality together in this regard. Please see A Healer’s Perspective on Distant Healing in the Distance Healing section below for a more thorough discussion. 
And click the links just below to learn a bit more about some of the healing work Susan does, which continues to evolve over time.

Distance Healing Explained: Welcome

Dr.  Sebi Kwanele Healer’s Perspective on Distant Healing

Everyone, and everything, is connected. Quantum physics, and more recently String Theory, brings science and spirituality together in this regard. Though I do some of my healing work in person, almost all of it is long distance healing. Thought is Energy, thoughts are things, and is often unconsciously playing out in one’s life. Our thoughts can be creative, or destructive. I easily help people to release the emotional charge that certain sentences,  phrases, names, etc., have carried for them, keeping them stuck in living that script. I also teach people how to consciously use their thoughts, their words, and their feelings in ways that are helpful to themselves and to others, creating a life of joy instead of struggle.Time is not linear; it is accessible to healing energies. I have worked with people and animals healing past life-time issues, and clearing out the effects of previous time-frames in this life. Once, when I was doing healing with someone for her birth-1 year old time frame, her jaw problem from infancy immediately disappeared. One can heal one’s past, and one’s present.

I have been doing healing work with people and animals all over the world since 1998. Most of my clients can immediately feel the effects, which are sometimes subtle, often dramatic. Because it can be disorienting to makes changes, what we resist persists, we often need to help you integrate the healing at the end of a session. We may need only one session, and we may need to arrange more sessions to help you more fully heal and be able to move forward easily with greater health, joy and ease. We assess that need as we work together. Some of my clients can actually see angelic beings, swirling energies. Some people smell lovely fragrances as I am doing distant healing work with them or clearing their spaces. Your animals will definitely feel the distant healing work. Some people tell me they begin to feel the healing as soon as they commit to a session with me.

Sometimes, even “inanimate” objects have responded to the distant healing energies I have sent them… e.g. a water softener, a dryer, a microwave, a car engine, an elevator that had just stopped, etc. They just started working again. It helps to hear the messages we are getting from them. For example, if your car engine won’t start, are you having trouble getting started? If all your batteries are going at once, are you wearing yourself out, running on empty? You might want to read a book by Michael Lincoln called My Car, Myself that addresses this phenomenon.

Everything is connected, electromagnetically. We are all One.  When I am working with you, or clearing your spaces, I often feel tension in certain areas of my body and it releases. The person I am working with often is releasing tension in that same area. When we are doing healing work on the phone, or online, I get immediate feedback from the person I am working with. The healing process may be complete immediately, or it may take a period of time to integrate. And, there may be a need for more than one session. Sometimes there is a detoxification period in which case there may be a very short time when the condition briefly worsens and then releases. Please keep me informed after a session how you are doing over time. One’s most immediate response when we are done with a healing session is profound relaxation. Wherever you have held your tension, you will notice an easing up, a lightness of being.

There truly is no distance in my distance healing work. It is as if I were there or you here. I have done healing work with a multitude of people and animals, and clearing places all over the the world, the United States, Australia, Canada, Israel, England, India, Germany, France, Ireland, South Africa, United Arab Emirates, Russia, and more. I look forward to working with you to help you to move forward in your life with greater health, ease and joy. 

Distance Healing Explained: Text
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