A Love Spell is a magical formula intended to trigger a magical effect on a person. The formula can be spoken, sung or chanted. Casting a spell doesn't have to be a sensational event like you often see in movies. Instead, it's often a very quiet, laid back activity that you can do on your own. Think of it as a method of aligning your energy vibration with your desires.Here you can find everything you need to know before casting a spell.
You can cast a spell at any time you want, but some moments could be more effective than others. The perfect moment depends on your intention. For example, a full moon is a perfect time to cast a spell if you want your relationship to go to the next level. Before casting the spell, make sure you're well prepared and protected.
It may take some time before your wish becomes a reality. After casting your spell, your intention will find the best route to reach its destination. Yet, the best route isn't necessarily the quickest. Therefore you should give it some time and space.